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Lewis County Officials

Highway Commissioner

Kerry Cagle

Kerry Cagle was appointed Highway Commissioner by the Lewis County Board of Commissioners to fullfill the remaining term of retired Commissioner Joyce Holt on March 20th, 2023.


The goal of Lewis County Highway Department is to provide the citizens of Lewis County with a safe, cost-effective road system that ensures the mobility of the people and county services.


The Lewis County Highway Department is a full service facility equipped with a business office, a vehicle maintenance garage, sign shop, paving, and construction equipment. The Highway Department has a wide range of responsibilities including mowing all county right-of-way, snow and debris removal, bridge and road construction, striping, cold patch, tile installation, grading roadside & bank stabilization thru NRCS and FEMA disaster recovery efforts.


Quick Facts:

  • Lewis County maintains 375 named roads totaling 328 miles of which 121.39 are asphalt surface, 195.03 tar and chipped surface, and 11.90 chert roads.

  • The Lewis County Highway Department employs 21 full time employees.

  • The Lewis County Highway Department also maintains 105 bridges.

Cagle, Kerry Hwy Commish 2023.jpg



327 Buffalo Road

Hohenwald, TN 38462

(931) 796-2287

6:00AM -5:00PM

Monday - Thursday

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Penelope Tharp

Office Manager

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Road Hazard Reporting:

The public is encouraged to report any unsafe conditions observed on the county roads.

Downed trees, damaged pavement, bridges, guard rails, road obstructions, debris, missing signs, etc., should be reported as soon as possible.

Road hazards on County Maintained Roads may be reported to the Lewis County Highway Department during normal business hours. Hazards may be reported after hours by calling 911 and notifying the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office. The Lewis County Highway Department maintains on-call personnel to fix these problems and return the roads to a safe condition as soon as possible.

Lewis County Highway Department Key Personnel

Highway Commissioner Kerry Cagle

Assistant Highway Supervisor James Williams

Shop Foreman Jerry Ashmore

Mechanics Andrew Arledge

Truck Drivers:

Neal Bates
Robbie Turnbow
Ricky Staggs
Stacy Moon

Aaron Clayton

Ronnie Frazier

Equipment Operators Tim Pugh

Sign Shop Lea Ann Graham

Road Maintenance

Dennis Barber
Adam Clayton
Joe Whitehead

Blain Turner

Light Equipment Operators
Darrell Grimes
Matt Bradley

Kenneth Bates

Office Manager/Bookkeeper Penelope Tharp

Advisory Board

Alice Tubbs, Private Citizen

Brian Peery, Member
Jonah Kelter, Chairman

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